Friday, July 3, 2015

I'm a Frigin Failure

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I disappeared off the Blogger radar again but I figure nobody really reads these anyway so who cares, right?

So as you may or may not know, I'm on a hiatus right now from making videos...but then again I wasn't producing too much anyway.  I can never seem to be consistent with anything, it's hard for me.  My day/night routine is never the same and therefore, my production times are all over the place.  I just make videos when I can, that's the best I can tell you.

Mystik is going to be making a couple Play it Lives for me while I'm away, we're just sorting out how to upload them to my Youtube site (because I'm too paranoid to hand out my credentials to him).  Otherwise, upon my return I'm going to be mixing up my weekly video uploads AGAIN.  I figure 4 weeks of just Play it Live's must be boring, especially since a lot of the games I have nothing say about.   So here is what I plan to do:

Week 1 - Play it Live
Week 2 - A Retro video from my collection
Week 3 - A Rant (because I'm always angry)
Week 4 - I don't know...probably take a break to work on better videos like "Video Game Deaths" or Worst Games Ever"

Maybe also during the month, Mystik or somebody can guest host a video OR if you want to just refer to our new website: where Mylo9000, Mystik and I have our collections so far.  The website is a work in progress but it's currently up and running.

Sorry I didn't mention the site sooner, I guess I planned to make the intention of logging in to the site first and checking things out before saying "Here you go everyone!" but I'm a failure and I'm all over the place.  Mylo and Mystik did all the work, I can of just sat back as the free loader I am but I am very very grateful to them for doing this. So check it out when/if you get the chance.

Otherwise, I'll be back in another month or so trying to keep a routine down as thanks to anyone that's toughed it out and stuck says I have 7000 subscribers but only a handful (100 or so) are still around and again I want to thank you dedicated followers for not giving up on me.  You guys are the only reason I'm still here.

Here is a picture of dunk nuts