Sunday, April 26, 2009

Silent Hill Games

For the heck of it, I've recently been watching a bunch of walkthroughs of the Silent Hill series. A special thanks goes to Louischou from Youtube for supplying these videos.

I was a huge fan of the Silent Hill games, probably because they all scare the sh*t outta me. These are probably the most demented games I've ever played, they don't make a whole lot of sense. I remember when I first played the original Silent Hill one for the Playstation (PS1)...the game starts with you waking up after a car accident to notice your daughter is missing. The town you're in is completely covered in fog and you can't see anything in front of your face...on top of it, it's snowing during the wrong season. In search of your daughter, you find clues which lead you to an alleyway. As you progress, you find odd objects laying throughout, like hospital stretchers and wheelchairs...and blood. The deeper you go, the more morbid it gets and the darker it gets too (literally) dark in fact that you can't see anything. Eventually you reach a dead end and find a massacred corpse hanging on hooks...suddenly an air raid siren goes off in the distance and these little mutated midgets stab you to death...

Yeah, that's how the games starts off, sounds very joyous doesn't it? Makes you wonder why the hell I like these games. I honesty can't say why...perhaps it's the fear that keeps me wanting more...but then again, you wouldn't catch me playing these games alone in the dark, screw that. These are the types of games you play with friends, like you're watching a movie. You keep playing to unravel the mystery as to what the hell is wrong with that town and what happened to your daughter...this was one of those games I played to death until I got every single ending (except the UFO ending, I never knew about that).

I never really got into Silent Hill 2, not sure why so I don't have much to say about that.

Silent Hill 3 was good, it had to do with the daughter (Heather Mason) of the guy from part 1 (Harry Mason). I don't remember too much about this except that I was annoyed when you discover that Harry Mason is murdered...yeah, the guy who survived the hell of Silent Hill 1 just ends up dead for no reason in part 3...seems so meaningless. It was a good freaky game though.

Silent Hill 4 was one of my kind of trailed off from the story lines of 1-3 but it was just as scary if not more. It's about a guy (Henry Townshend) who wakes up one morning in his apartment to discover that he's locked inside with no way out. If he screams or tries to smash the walls or door, nobody hears it. If he tries to break the window, nothing happens. His phone is dead, his TV is dead and his radio doesn't work. Wondering what the hell is going on, he eventually hears a smash in his bathroom...he enters to discover a never ending man sized hole in the what does he do? He goes inside...what choice does he have?

The longer he stays in his apartment, the more demented it gets. Objects in the house start becoming possessed, his dryer explodes, severed heads start falling outside his windows, specters emerge from the walls, it gets creepier and gotta play it lol.

Anyway, that was my pointless rant. Check out Louischou's Youtube site for all these vids (except Silent Hill 4, Baruttv from Youtube has vids for that).

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another World

A lot of people ask me why it takes so long for me to release a new video...besides being lazy and having no time, I think I over complicate my work and get so frustrated with it that I just give up and move onto something else.

My wife and daughter had recently gone on vacation to India for a month and a half. During this time I had vowed to do nothing but produce videos and keep my Youtube site up to date...I meant it too...but when the time came, what did I do? Play video games...yup, that's all I did. Actually, I did produce one video reviewing NES games "Swamp Thing" and "Terminator"...but that's it.

I did actually record footage of several other games like "Big Rigs", "Action 52", and "Mystery Quest" but never bothered getting around to editing them and posting them. I started working on "Big Rigs" but what happened was, I started working on an intro animation for the video (because I can't just post the video as is...I find that it's too boring) and I came across a problem during animation. For some stupid reason, a flash animation I made of a Goomba didn't work properly (I still can't explain why) and because of that, I gave up and never went back to it. See? That's how easy it is for me to give up...sad...

So for now, and I promise to complete it, I'm working on a video that will be kind of a tribute to "Another World" which was known as "Out of this World" in North America. This game is a classic to me. I've had many good times playing this game and making home videos about it several years ago (mostly about all the funny ways you can die).

It's a side scrolling action game (like a retro Tomb Raider almost). It intially came out for the Amiga, Atari and DOS back in 1991 but later was released for other consoles like the Super Nintendo which was the only version I was familiar with at the time. I've only recently played the old DOS version and I actually find the DOS version faster and more enjoyable (aside from the missing action packed music that the SNES version provided).

Anyway, expect this new video in hopefully a weeks time. It's going to be strange and completely random (like all my videos).

Gotta start somewhere

Well, I haven't bothered typing out anything yet on my blog...only because I'm extremely lazy...and busy. Between working, spending time with the family and other misc. things, I never think of coming to work on my blog that I started probably well over a year ago.

Meh, it doesn't matter. The only person who is likely to follow my blog will be my wife anyway.

So I suppose, lets start with what I like to do in my spare time (whenever I get any). Besides wasting time playing video games, I actually enjoy spending time video editing. I work mostly on video game reviews or something related to video games. I know that's probably sad for someone my age to do but I really don't care...if I enjoy it, why should I stop? I'm not doing drugs or get drunk so what's the big deal? Besides, I have a small fan base (on my Youtube site) and as long as I have fans, I'll make videos.

Oh yeah, my Youtube site is:

My friends and I have made all sorts of videos, not necessarily video game related...check them out sometime...but make sure you have a strange sense of humor before visiting the site. Be warned, not all the videos have a "G" rating...