I didn't know what to expect when going to his show, I mean, I've never been to a Hypnotist before. I used to think that Hypnotists were phony and simply paid people in the audience to act for them...but I soon realized I was dead wrong.
He started off his show rushing out onto the stage in a Frenzy, that's another thing that got me. When you look at his photos on his website and his ads, you'd think he was a very serious guy but he's quite the opposite. Don't take that wrong, he's very serious about what he does but he's very energetic and powerful about it. Because of his attitude, you really want to join in and participate.
Anyway, he started off his show doing some funky little tricks, ones that I still can't explain. He did everything from card tricks to illusions to what he calls "Hoaky Magic". This all led up to the main event which was the Hypnotizing.
He pulled about 14 volunteers up onto the stage to just sit and face the audience. He then would have you close your eyes while he attempted to put you in this trance (which I won't explain in detail) but it was interesting. At first, I didn't really try to do what he said to do...I wasn't sure if I was supposed to since I didn't volunteer. But eventually I joined in from the audience and started following the instructions (regarding the trance). While I was doing it, I had no idea it was working, I felt totally conscious...but when he made a specific sound, it ended up knocking me right out cold.
He even said from the start, he won't ask personal questions or do anything that would involve your personal life...but he did say he'd embarrass you lol. So everytime he knocked me out, he'd give instructions on what you'd do when you woke up. The first time he did this to me, I remember his words on what he asked me to do but it was only AFTER the show was done and I was out of the trance that I remember all of this...at the time, I remember him saying nothing until I woke up...does that make sense? Even though I woke up, I wasn't out of the trance until the end of the show.
Anyway, like I was saying, the first time he knocked me out, he apparently convinced me that when I woke up, I'd find my current seat the most uncomfortable seat that ever existed. In fact, I'd hate the seat so much that I'd jump up yelling "Danny Z, these seats are horrible!". So what did I do? Exactly that. I remember being pretty upset too and I didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed after I yelled out either. That's when he pulled me on stage to a more "comfortable" seat, joining the rest of the Hypnotized volunteers.
From there we all did a series of silly things like pretend we were James Bond (secret agents), think we were the sexiest people in the room, move in slow motion, and even play with our butts. During this entire session, I not once felt ridiculous or embarrassed. I remember walking off stage and the first thing I wondered was why my wife had moved from the back row to the front row of seats...not at all wondered why I was walking off stage or what I just did.
I remember it all clearly now that I've watched the video and even now I don't feel stupid. When I first started telling people what I did, I felt almost offended when they laughed at me. Not because they laughed at the fact that I made an ass of myself but I felt as if they were insulting a profession of mine...I was taking it rather seriously at first for some reason. Anyway, I can laugh at it now, not sure why I was uptight earlier. Maybe the effects were still wearing off?
To get a better idea of what happened, have a look at this Youtube video I put together:
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I know a lot of people cannot be hypnotized, I'm surprised that I could. It's too bad too, it was a lot of fun in a weird way.
Be sure to check out Danny Z's website and go see him if he happens to be in your area or if you're in the Niagara Region. We had a great time, for sure.

That's a pretty good account of what happened that night. It was such a nice surprise for me when you told me we had a 'date', and we could actually go out somewhere without the BabyBug for like the second time in more than two years.
Anyhow, the biggest surprise was how well you took the whole thing about being hypnotized and made to go on stage and do funny things (in public!!!) without feeling offended (after all you hadn't volunteered) or even embarrassed! That really amazed me since you're so painfully shy otherwise.
It was a fun night, for sure! Thank you!
The possibility to meet an excellent or an amazing person in anyplace is so real,I think that the your information is so interesting for that reason,I guess Danny Z is wonderful!22dd
I always thought the same, I thought that Hypnotist was something to catch the people's attention but well I want to be Hypnotized because I want to know some things about my past.
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