GTA IV - Collage of Havoc

Worst Games Ever - Attack Animal Gakuen

The GTA (Grand Theft Auto) IV video is pretty much just gameplay footage between myself and my friend Joe (plus some other random people) goofing around. Joe had found some sort of hack or cheat that allows you to alter pretty much anything in the game like invincibility, any weapon you'd like, any vehicle, gravity alterations, etc. I was utilized the in game video recorder/editor. I threw together all the best bits into one big collage.
I had also used Fraps just to see what worked better...and to be honest, the in game recorder did, once you figured out how to use it correctly. It's pretty impressive, the default key to use the in game recorder is F2 and I figured the way it worked is that it would simply record the last few minutes of whatever you were doing but it doesn't work that way. Apparently, it starts recording from when you spawned and stops when you press stop...however, if you press stop AFTER you die and respawn, then it records only from when you respawned. To give you an idea of what I mean, say you spent 10 minutes doing stunts and in the end you die, if you don't press record before you respawn, then the game records absolutely nothing of what you were doing those last 10 minutes, you have to press record right as you die or while you're dying. I couldn't tell you how annoyed I was when I discovered this, I lost so much good footage because of this.
Fraps worked fine but the quality was dumbed down, it was a little choppy and for some reason I can never get Fraps to record the's always mute even though I select the proper audio channels...makes no sense.
The GTA IV in game editor is pretty good too, it's not too elaborate but it doesn't need to be. Most of the footage you see in the video was done with the in game editor. The whole video was compiled in Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 though, I also put all the music and sound effects together via Premiere.
For those wondering, my in game name is NeoBahamut000 though I haven't played the game since making this video...just got bored of it but I'll still play from time to time.
As for the "Worst Games Ever" episode, I'm frequently being ranted at to bring out more episodes and really, I can't blame anybody. It takes months at a time now before I post anything since, again, I have no time. I like to put a lot of effort into my videos (ex. animations) so that can take a lot of time. I mean, a lot of the sprites you see me using to make the animations with I have to make myself, which means, taking screenshots, frame by frame, and then reanimating them...stuff like that takes forever, it's not hard just tedious. Some people suggested just bringing out standard, basic videos like I was originally doing when I first created the series (ex. the Transformers episode), they find it just as funny. It's not that they don't appreciate the hard work I put into the newer ones but they seem to want quantity rather than quality. So I figure, I'll bring them out more often but expect more dumbed downed basic episodes for awhile then.
This Japanese game "Attack Animal Gakuen" was just a random pick, to be honest. Yes, there are a lot worse games than this one but I couldn't help but laugh at the whole concept of this game, so I just picked it for the heck of it. I didn't do a voice over because it's not easy for me daughter is always curious of what I'm doing (or she's sleeping) so by being angry, yelling or ranting (even though I'm acting...sort of) while making the audio review, she observes me and wonders what's going on. I honestly don't want her getting the wrong idea or even get into the bad habit of playing video games like I had done MY WHOLE LIFE. So what I do is wait for her to fall asleep...which is worse because then I can't make noise at all or she'll wake up. See my dilemma? So expect text only commentary for awhile.
I do get a lot of fan requests for games but they're always games that have been reviewed to death by every reviewer known to man kind. I like to pick the more obscure games that nobody has ever heard of, I figure that's more entertaining. But due to popular demand, the next game I will be reviewing is Superman 64.
Anyway, that's it for now. I have a lot of projects in mind but nothing started yet. If you get bored waiting for me to bring out something, then I suggest the following well known reviewers:
The Spoony Experiment
Angry Video Game Nerd
The Escapist - Zero Punctuation
There are more but the 3 above are my favorites. Oh and here is a picture of a Protoss from Starcraft II for no reason...latest favorite game...which I suck at. Maybe I'll do a review of this really quick...not a bad one.

Fraps, F2, respawn and GTA - is this GeekSpeak??? I'm sure your fans will be all over those vids, whatever they are :)
There is a similar mmoprg called APB, do you know that?
Your website is great. When is the next post comming on this topic.I'm happy I found this blog, hope you can come to exchange my website I am a novice!
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