Monday, November 24, 2014

OMG It has been 4 years...

I can't believe it has been 4 years since my last post...what a joke. 

It's hard for me to stick to a routine like this...making videos, updating my blog, all the while spending time with family and working, etc.  I get so little time to focus on this stuff that whenever I do find time, I often spend it playing a game or something.

Anyhoo, I'm going to TRY and keep up with this from now far, I've been doing well keeping up with my Youtube site.  I've been slowly progressing at it but at least I'm progressing lol.  

Right now I'm just working on another Jeff's Work episode since they're easier and faster to produce....though demand for these episodes is very little.  It's nearly done and should be uploaded probably even tonight.

Otherwise, I have so many other ideas lined up:

1. Final Fantasy Tactics Editing Tool review*
2. Video Game Deaths - The Sequel
3. Worst Games Ever - Godzilla 2
4. NES Top 10 - #6 - TMNT II
5. Lester and Soapman - Continuation**

*This is a tool that somebody had made back in the day for the Playstation Dex Drive...what you would do is upload your PSX memory card to your PC using the Dex Drive and then use this tool to edit the saved file contents for Final Fantasy Tactics.  It was a great idea (never completed) but anyway I'll get into that later

**continuation of the "Another World & Out of this World - Deaths and then some..." video

That's all I got for now.  Stay tuned.  Until then, here is a picture of the Ultimate Warrior. 

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