We have this silly Public Health and Safety ad hanging up in our office at work (you know, the kind that tell you how to wash your hands and to flush the toilet when you're done and how to wipe you butt, etc.) This one particular ad just kept standing out every time I walked by it. It's trying to tell you where not to sneeze (not on your hand but on your sleeve), which makes sense. But the woman in the ad doesn't look like she's sneezing but rather eating her sleeve.
So for no reason today, I took down the ad, scanned it to myself at home and edited it.

I don't know why I've done this but I just had to. I so much want to post it at work to replace the original one but I don't want to get fired. XD
ohh...ok. I always eat the box when the tissues are finished. Guess sleeves would do just as well...
yeah we have that kind of secutiry stuff here lol damn swine flue and now so called human flu lol
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