Sorry for my late update, my computer at home has decided to have a fit these last few days. Turns out it decided on its own that it no longer wants to export video longer than 30 minutes or so. It decided that "I don't have enough memory" anymore. It's an older system I built back in 2007 but it has served its purpose all these years. It's not dead by any means, just become stubborn so the next Play it Live! going up today will only be half the episode. I'll put the 2nd part up tomorrow (Feb. 26th).
I think I'm finally going to invest in a newer faster system seeing as video production on this machine is very very time consuming...takes 6-8 hours to export 1 video (if around the 30-40 minute range) and then takes another 10 hours or so to upload to Youtube (at approx. 1 to 1.5 GB in size). The upload thing has nothing to do with my system, of internet just sucks lol.
So besides keeping up with the Play it Live! series, I'm still working on Video Game Deaths Part 2 as well as another music video and getting footage still for Valkyria Chronicles.
I also put up footage from the Beta of Heroes of the Storm, which I find to be very entertaining. But I'm told it's a knock off of DOTA 2. See, I've heard of DOTA but never once played it so this style is entirely new to me. I may give DOTA a try one of these days and upload footage from that...I'd like to compare them.
This week's Play it Live! is 3 games, actually. Only because the first game didn't work and the 2nd game didn't give me much of a chance (but then I suck at a lot of games lol).
Anyway, expect that up sometime this afternoon...when my decrepit internet decides to finish uploading it. Here is a picture example my
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